Tag Archives: free market

The Lies of a Leftist

The Economy and “Rich People” Um folks, the stock market holds every American’s 401K, IRA among many other things. In fact, more “average Joe’s” own stocks via a second party than anyone like Warren Buffet. Socialists are trying to push the false narrative that the “Stock Market” is only “Rich People’s” financial health. There’s a […]

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President Obama in Pictures

Yet again I have a brain exercise sort of article. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take a genius to read this one. These are pictures that convey thoughts on the Obama Presidency.

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Conservative Solutions to Liberal Issues (updated)

I made a promise to a commenter on one of my blog posts that I would post such an article.  Here is my fulfillment of that promise.  Besides, I think it an important topic anyway.  Everyone, regardless of their politics, have genuine concerns and hopes and dreams.  The differences being how they are addressed.  I […]

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New Zeal: “The Profit System”

“The Profit System” Another great 1955 video from the American Adventure series. Imagine how much better off western countries would be if these values were still widely understood. Hey Obama, here’s how you create jobs!

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