Tag Archives: democrat

What Kind of Half-Assed Circus Freak Has The GOP Become?

Republicans and Democrats who are active in this system right now, who are playing this game, you are the very people our Founders warned us of.

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Dear Delicate Liberal Snowflakes

Want to know how far Hollywood went down the crapper in the past 40 years?  This video from the TV show Dragnet, has an excellent treatese on what was happening then with Vietnam war protests, but can also be applied perfectly to Trump election protests, in fact any liberal whining and complaining: These are things […]

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More Historical Quotes Liberals Hope You Don’t Read

Ah yes, todays liberal, or progressive, or is it communist?  I can’t distinguish anymore.  (These are the same people that say Bush is like Hitler, and in the same breath as saying the problems in Israel, and surrounding countries, are all Israel’s fault, and then start spouting anti-semetic racism; and still in the same breath […]

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They Speak a Thousand Words

Another in the series of pictures and videos that say it all. Pictures Videos Also See: The Kitchen Cabinet Townhall

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Bishop E.W. Jackson’s Message To Black Christians

Bishop E. W. Jackson says “It is time to end the slavish devotion to the Democrat party.”

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Leftist-Liberals Are Wile E. Coyote

Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Anyone watching Wile E. Coyote knows it is just a cartoon intended to make you laugh at the Coyote’s rampant stubbornness and stupidity. In real life, we would call such behavior insanity. Yet, this is what many people grasp on to with the empty promise of “free stuff” and other entitlements. Instead of exercising common sense and the concept that working hard and personal responsibility are what bring success and happiness, and not “free stuff” off the backs of those that are working hard.

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Negros With Guns

By Ann Coulter via Human Events  04/18/2012 Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of “stand your ground” laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC’S Karen Finney blamed “the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.”) This would be like demanding more funding […]

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Why Progressivism and Liberal Ideals are Destined for Failure

Behold! The results of liberal indoctrination and why wealth redistribution and entitlement programs NEVER work…

A woman with 15 kids (and no spouse) complains that people around aren’t doing enough to help her – even though her rent, food and furniture have all been covered by good Samaritans and the government.

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Adam Carolla Explains The Occupy Movement Masterfully

WARNING!  STRONG LANGUAGE! Adam Carolla, comedian and radio talk show host, expresses his views on those members of the Occupy movement (and those on the left in general).  I couldn’t have said it better myself (except with maybe less colorful metaphors).

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The Truth – In Their Own Words

There’s nothing more revealing than the words that emanate from someone’s own mouth and writings.  Are you a critical thinking person that likes to see, read, and hear the evidence for yourself? What is the Occupy movement really about?  Listen to what THEY say: Anti-Semitic “It’s the Jews fault”.  They want Israel destroyed. Communist Revolutionaries, […]

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