Tag Archives: fascism

The Left is Showing Their Insanity With Their Hatred of Trump

I didn’t vote for Donald Trump.  I was a Ted Cruz guy.  I’m a Constitutionalist.  Nevertheless, I am witnessing the left wing news (CNN, MSNBC, etc) going batcrap insane because of Trump, and I am laughing my butt off! The leftists had their Obama puppet for 8 years.  They had chills go up their leftist […]

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The Obama Presidency: By The Numbers

“If I don’t have this done in three years, then it is going to be a one-term proposition” — Barrack Obama 2009

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The Truth – In Their Own Words

There’s nothing more revealing than the words that emanate from someone’s own mouth and writings.  Are you a critical thinking person that likes to see, read, and hear the evidence for yourself? What is the Occupy movement really about?  Listen to what THEY say: Anti-Semitic “It’s the Jews fault”.  They want Israel destroyed. Communist Revolutionaries, […]

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New Zeal: “The Profit System”

“The Profit System” Another great 1955 video from the American Adventure series. Imagine how much better off western countries would be if these values were still widely understood. Hey Obama, here’s how you create jobs!

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A Lesson on Governments

I have noticed lately that a lot of people do not know or understand the differences in governmental systems.  Many do not understand the governmental system set up by our founding fathers to give us freedom.  Frequently it is called a "Democracy", which is incorrect, and thank God! Here's a simple video that pretty much […]

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Change, Hope, and “The One”

And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America , having lost their morals, their work initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as “The One”. He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no […]

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Save The Country First!

I received the following email from a great man, Colonel Riley, aka "Sarge".  A truly great man that just loves his country and is fighting to give it back to the people.  I share his sentiments: Hi Everyone, As with some of you, I have been getting an untold number of emails from various sources […]

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Welcome to The United Fascist States of America

Those saying that Obama and his buddies are Socialists have vastly miscalculated this assumption.  What’s really happening is Obama is fascist and not strictly socialist.  Obama understands and knows the power that can come from a fascist state without the people really knowing what is going on.  After all, the fascists of the past knew […]

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Liberal Fascism Explained

Liberal Fascism Explained http://www.campusreportonline.net/mai… Conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg is tired of being called a fascist. In his latest book, Liberal Fascism, he fights back against the term that those on the right are often saddled with, reminding readers that the original fascists leaned more toward the left.

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Ex-Hitler youth’s warning to America

Ex-Hitler youth’s warning to America http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.ph… WASHINGTON – Because it has abandoned moral absolutes and its historic Christian faith, the U.S. is moving closer to a Nazi-style totalitarianism, warns a former German member of the Hitler Youth in a new book.

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