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They Speak a Thousand Words

Another in the series of pictures and videos that say it all. Pictures Videos Also See: The Kitchen Cabinet Townhall

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Big Lies on Big Oil

According to the Institute for Energy Research, we have more than 1.4 trillion barrels of oil that is technically recoverable in the United States with existing technology. The largest deposits are located offshore, in portions of Alaska and in shale deposits in the Rocky Mountain states. So the United States has more recoverable oil than the rest of the non-North American world combined. The Heritage Foundation says this is enough to fuel every passenger car in the nation for 430 years. Therefore, “it is merely semantics — not a scientific assessment of what America has the capacity to produce — that allows critics to claim repeatedly that America is running out of energy.”

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The Truth – In Their Own Words

There’s nothing more revealing than the words that emanate from someone’s own mouth and writings.  Are you a critical thinking person that likes to see, read, and hear the evidence for yourself? What is the Occupy movement really about?  Listen to what THEY say: Anti-Semitic “It’s the Jews fault”.  They want Israel destroyed. Communist Revolutionaries, […]

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Japan Needs Our Help

Everyone, a most horrible tragedy has happened in Japan.  Not only has one of the largest earthquakes in Japanese history hit Japan, but the resulting tsunamis have wreaked even more havoc on this small island nation.  These tsunamis were so huge that they traveled to Hawaii and the western coasts of America (where I live). […]

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Does This Common Household Chemical Need To Be Banned?

You may not know it, but you have a dangerous chemical lurking in your kitchen, bathroom, and even perhaps your refrigerator.  It is Dihydrogen Monoxide.  Its dangers are as follows: It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting It is a major component in acid rain It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state. Accidental […]

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Conservative Solutions to Liberal Issues (updated)

I made a promise to a commenter on one of my blog posts that I would post such an article.  Here is my fulfillment of that promise.  Besides, I think it an important topic anyway.  Everyone, regardless of their politics, have genuine concerns and hopes and dreams.  The differences being how they are addressed.  I […]

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Earth Day: 40 years of imminent catastrophe | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/22/2010

Earth Day: 40 years of imminent catastrophe | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/22/2010… To help "celebrate" the first Earth Day in 1970, biologist Barry Commoner wrote, "We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation."

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