Tag Archives: usa

The State of Things Today, As Spoken By a Friend

Not long ago, my friend Jason sent me an email giving me his thoughts on the state of the USA today. Jason has some great insights on history. Below is essentially a summary of what he wrote me. I believe it makes a magnificent article for everyone to read, as it is very thought provoking.  […]

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President Obama in Pictures

Yet again I have a brain exercise sort of article. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take a genius to read this one. These are pictures that convey thoughts on the Obama Presidency.

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Why Is It Independence Day?

Ask anyone under thirty years old the question, “Who did we gain independence from and why?” and you will get a plethora of answers.  The majority of them incorrect.  Why is that?  The word “independence” has a very important meaning, yet much of the younger generation are being taught to depend on government and free […]

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Why Do People Attend Tea Parties?

Why do people attend Tea Parties?  Why?  Why do people make such a big deal over Obama's Socialist/Fascist policies?  Why are the founding father's such an important part of their patriotism? A little about the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence: Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before […]

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Change, Hope, and “The One”

And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America , having lost their morals, their work initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as “The One”. He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no […]

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Thus Spoke Our Founding Fathers…

There are some things I want you to knowThese things I write are not just for showThis land we live on, full of beauty and spaceIs a God given land of liberty for every race. That all may earn, by hard work, personal responsibility and sweatA place to call their own, where only God holds […]

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Finally! Someone With Honor and Integrity!

Andrew McCarthy, a man with genuine BALLS.  A well respected former Federal Prosecutor by both parties, who served under two Presidential administrations (Clinton & Bush), received the Attorney General's Special Service award (by Janet Reno), author of "Willfull Blindness" (a book about his prosecution of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman the leader of the first World […]

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Dear President Sleaze-bag

Congratulations on your coup.  You have successfully convinced a bunch of idiots about how you are going to rescue them in their irresponsibility and stupidity, give them money they did not earn from those that worked hard for their money, and made promises you immediately broke in your first week of office.  It’s amazing how […]

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I Could Not Have Said It Better Myself

Today, I was going to write this big and long winded blog about how the USA is falling into the cesspool of political correctness and so-called “progressiveness”.  I was half way into it, and doing some research (blog posters DO research don’t they?) I came across this magnificently made video that I am completely sure […]

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