Tag Archives: ronald reagan

Only Obama Is Better Off

By Michael Reagan via GOPUSA The only person I know who is better off today than he was four years ago is President Obama. He’s making more money, living in a bigger house and playing more golf. And when his wife goes on a shopping spree with her girlfriends, it’s to Spain on the taxpayer’s […]

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It Makes You Think

“What have I always told you about liberals? Well, many things, I know. They categorize people. They make moral judgments on people on the basis of surface matters. They don’t see the humanity of an individual. They see the skin color; they see the sex; the gender; the orientation [; the political views]. And from there they make their judgments on people.” — Rush Limbaugh

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We Were Warned So Many Times!

Communism is an impossible system that always results in mass death and complete loss of liberty. They don’t understand that man needs incentives to improve society, and that someone dictating to them their life and goals stifles that incentive. It is why all socialist systems fail. Karl Marx was a loner without any friends. In fact, reading about him (from his own words) you see he was a bitter and whiny brat who nobody liked. Can such a person ever come up with the grand solution or utopia? When you take away the individual and just make him a drone, you stagnate society, not improve it.

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A picture of a painting the USA founding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence

Liberty, and The Purpose For The Second Amendment

This is why the founders of our nation added the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  It was never for hunting nor sport.  It was to make sure the citizens could prevent tyranny. In 1946, returned veterans from World War II found their local government of McMinn Tennessee was a corrupt and entrenched political machine.  […]

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The Obama Presidency: By The Numbers

“If I don’t have this done in three years, then it is going to be a one-term proposition” — Barrack Obama 2009

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America’s Economic Armaggeddon: The Perfect Storm

by Sandy Stringfellow One of my favorite books was written by Milton and Rose Friedman, and is titled “Free to Choose.” It was the offspring of Friedman’s “Capitalism and Freedom,” first published in 1962, and a T.V. series shown on PBS in 1980, also titled “Free to Choose.” William F. Buckley, Jr., the acknowledged father […]

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Save The Country First!

I received the following email from a great man, Colonel Riley, aka "Sarge".  A truly great man that just loves his country and is fighting to give it back to the people.  I share his sentiments: Hi Everyone, As with some of you, I have been getting an untold number of emails from various sources […]

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History and Wisdom

I have learned early on in my life, that those of the past, and many of those that have lived longer than me can teach important lessons in life.  Experience and history is the worlds best teacher of what works and what does not.  Unfortunately, most of society, in its self-centered arrogance, tends to ignore […]

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Europe vs. the USA

For the past 1000+ years, the average time span between major war involving governmental or boundary changes in Europe and even Asia, has been 68 years.  Most have involved some power-hungry megalomaniac desiring land and power.  This same region claims to be the intellectual powerhouse of the world, they claim to be progressive, and full […]

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