Tag Archives: Congress

What Kind of Half-Assed Circus Freak Has The GOP Become?

Republicans and Democrats who are active in this system right now, who are playing this game, you are the very people our Founders warned us of.

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The State of Things Today, As Spoken By a Friend

Not long ago, my friend Jason sent me an email giving me his thoughts on the state of the USA today. Jason has some great insights on history. Below is essentially a summary of what he wrote me. I believe it makes a magnificent article for everyone to read, as it is very thought provoking.  […]

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A Quick Dose of Reality

Consider this folks: President Obama’s half brother, George Obama, that lives in a shack in Nairobi Africa, has a higher net worth than most American Citizens. Yes, you should read that again. With our Government’s debt (thus ours), our own personal debts (credit cards, loans, etc.), our individual REAL account ledgers are all a minimum […]

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